CERN squash league

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Maisonnex Squash Club : 022 782 9131

We have a special 15% reduction for the squash subscription there.
These subscriptions are managed by Robert Kristic, who will distribute a mail when the time comes.
Usually, the steps for subscribing are along the following lines (actual prices may have changed):

  1. Tarifs :
    1. Adultes = 250 Chf ; Couple = 360 Chf ; Student = 100 Chf (NEW PRICES for 2014)
    2. People LIVING in Meyrin are considered as contribuables and have a special tarif : Adulte 180 Chf ; Couples = 300
    3. We profit from 15% discount for the club (so Adult=212.5 Chf, Couple=306, Student=85, ...)
  2. New Rules :
    1. we are allocated 90 seats. On Tuesday 15th September, I will send to Maisonnex the list of the members who have confirmed and paid
  3. If you are ALREADY member in Maisonnex:
    1. Fill in the subscription form ONLY if your mail, phone, address has changed
    2. Send the form to Robert Kristic
    3. Specify which membership you take (Adulte, Couple, Student, Meyrinois)
      1. If you are Student do not forget to send me the proof of your studentship
    4. Transfer the money (tarif chosen*0.85) to my bank account (see below)
  4. If you are NEW member in Maisonnex:
    1. Go directly to Maisonnex with the form filled and a passport photo and subscribe directly there. This is to simplify the process, i do not need to keep a waiting list, go back to you, get the photo, all the documents, etc...
    2. It will be easier for you to get a seat in Maisonnex, outside of the CERN club, and for the next season you will then join the CERN club and profit from the 15%
  5. Make a payment
    IMPORTANT#1: write your NAME IN THE COMMENT - otherwise we will not know who made the payment.

    IMPORTANT #2: Make sure you pay the right sum - all costs covered by you!!!
    1. If you have questions, contact Robert Kristic.
  6. PAY ON TIME - otherwise you will not be included


Copyright CERN 17-Jan-2016 20:23  Kevin Buffet